Applied Management N4 - N6


Privacy Policy

- This section explains how this app collects and uses data from a User's device.

With this App we do not collect any form data, however 1 third-party collects data from a user's device via advertising SDK. The data is used for only advertising purposes. our Advertising third party
is Google Admob. Here is the data Admob may access ,collect or use including how a user can delete the collected data or prevent data collection

1. Data Google Admob may access, collect, or use.

IP address

Collects device's IP address, which may be used to estimate the general location of a device.

User product interactions 

Collects user product interactions and interaction information, including app launch, taps, and video views.

Diagnostic information 

Collects information related to the performance of your app and the SDK, including crash logs, app launch time, hang rate, and energy usage.

Device and Account identifiers 

Collects Android advertising (ad) IDapp set ID, and, if applicable, other identifiers related to signed-in accounts on the device.

2. Data Handling

Android ad ID collection is optional. The ad ID can be reset or deleted by users using ad ID controls in the Android settings menu. 

3. Secure data Collection and Handling
admob sdk collects data via advertising ID and the data is encrypted.
us app developers we do not collect data, the data goes straight to google via device advertising ID and Admob Ads SDK.

4. Developer’s data retention and deletion 
We developers do not collect data.
users can delete data that is collected by admob sdk by deleting advertising ID in android settings.
Users can delete their ads ID in android settings > google account > ads > advertising ID

5. advertising ID advertising ID

Admob may use advertising ID for Advertising or marketing purposes. advertising ID is
Used to display or target ads or marketing communications, or measure ad performance. For example, displaying ads in your app, sending push notifications to promote other products or services, or sharing data with advertising partners.

To find your device's advertising ID, open the Settings app on your Android device and click on Ads. Your advertising ID is listed at the bottom of the screen

When our app uses the advertising ID the data is collected by the mentioned third Google Ads SDK, the data does not go to us and we cant view or access it. The data goes straight to Admob and they use it to set, manage ads and improve their services
Users can delete their ads ID in android settings > google account > ads > advertising ID

6. Contacts